• A French village for almost a century in the center of Dalat
  • A French village for almost a century in the center of Dalat

  • on Aug 23, 2024       By: BN
  • Dalat is often compared to a “museum of French architecture”, with over 1,300 ancient architectural works and villas built by the French. In addition to famous landmarks such as Dalat's Saint-Nicolas Cathedral, the railway station and the teacher training college, these old villas on Le Lai Street are also a must-see destination.

    dalat, vietnam

    >> Read more: Saint-Nicolas Cathedral of Dalat: French heritage in Dalat

    These 17 villas (2 newly built units) situated on a 17-hectare pine hill are considered a French village. Today, this location is an attractive accommodation area for many domestic and foreign tourists visiting the city.

    dalat, vietnam

    Today, the place has been restored and renovated to retain architectural features typical of each region of France, brought in by the owners. Each villa has its name: Indochinese trade villa, traveler's villa, archeologist's villa, artist's villa, Car Club villa...

    dalat, vietnam

    The interiors of the villas are virtually preserved during restoration, from small details such as parquet flooring, precious wood window systems, fireplaces... It's like being in a real French home.

    dalat, vietnam

    The objects displayed in the villa recall the sumptuous life of the French in Indochina at the beginning of the 20th century.

    >> Read more: Da Lat Vietnam - what to see and do in 2 or 3 days?

    dalat, vietnam

    Because of the rainy weather and cold highland air, all French houses have a fireplace for warmth.

    dalat, vietnam

    Among these villas, unit 26 is the most special, with the word “PAX” engraved on the wall by the owner. In Latin and Christian terminology, “PAX” means peace, so this villa is called the “House of Peace”. At the time, its owner was the cheese producer for the village and surrounding area.

    The architecture of the “House of Peace” remains almost intact: the iron gate, the main door, the side door and the split-stone wall system.

    dalat, vietnam

    In the past, Dalat's inhabitants often referred to this place as the “spectacular residence” or, in French, la Cité Bellevue. Over time, although some of the houses have fallen into disrepair, the area still retains a “French air”, offering visitors to Dalat many interesting experiences.

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