• Perfume River Hue - A Cruise on Royal Emperor Dragon Boat with Dinner
  • Perfume River Hue - A Cruise on Royal Emperor Dragon Boat with Dinner

  • on Dec 20, 2018       By: LucyH
  • Perfume River (Huong River) is a large river flowing through the heart of Hue City being famous for its poetic beauty. The river has many names: Lo Dung, Linh, Dinh, Kim Tra, Huong. It’s said that it is called Perfume River (Huong River) because at the head of the river there are varieties of grass, flowers and fruits to bring the fragrance into the stream. Therefore, Perfume River is not only beautiful but also fragrant.
    Foreigners translated the name of the river into French and English also using the name rivière des Parfums or Perfume River. But there are also people who claim that the origin of the name is from the fact that the river flows through Huong Tra district (formerly Kim Tra), not the fragrance.

    Sailing on a royal emperor dragon boat listening to Hue songs on the Perfume River is a royal pleasure of the Nguyen rulers during the ancient time. Current dragon boats are designed based on the dragon boat model of that period. With its long history, Perfume River has been the foundation for the promotion of tourism to both domestic and overseas guests.


    A Cruise on Royal Emperor Dragon Boat with Dinner

    Dragon Boat Cruise on the Perfume River is an interesting and unusual service, combining tradition with modern. The guests can enjoy the traditional Hue food, admire Hue at night on the romantic Perfume River. Different from the dinner service at the restaurants there, a Cruise on Royal Emperor Dragon Boat with Dinner will help the visitors relax and immerse in the cool breeze bearing the taste of the river which makes your dining experience definitely something else.
    Moreover, visitors can also admire the Perfume River at night with their loved ones in the colorful space of the Trang Tien Bridge or Phu Xuan Bridge. With a variety of menu options, visitors will have a variety of choices to choose from.


    Detailed program:

    18h30: Dinner Cruise on the Perfume River welcome guests at the boat landing. The dinner is served right after that.
    19h00: The boat brings visitors closer to the bridge across the Perfume River such as Phu Xuan Bridge, Trang Tien Bridge and the romantic scenery on the banks of the Huong River.
    19h30: Dragon boat goes to the dock and finish the dinner boat tour on the Perfume River

    Prices range from 210.000VND to 240.000VND / person (Applicable for groups of 5 or more)

    Perfume river cruise and enjoy Hue Royal Court Music

    Perfume river cruise with the maximum of 15 guests.

    Price chart for Hue Royal Court Music on Perfume River
    RouteSingle boatDouble boatNote
    Thien Mu Pagoda


    Hon Chen Temple450.000VND800.000VNDlunch
    Random route250.000VND



    60 minutes
    Hue Royal Court Music
    (for the whole boat)


    Performance Schedule

    17:15 to 18:3019:00 to 20:1520:30 to 21:45

    22:00 to 23:00


    Hope this information is useful to you. All the best to your Hue trip
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