E-visa Vietnam: Official issuance of e-visa to citizens from 46 countries
- on Oct 25, 2019 By: Ngoc Nguyen
As of February 1, 2017, Vietnam has implemented the issuance of electronic visas to citizens from 40 countries. Since November of last year, the country has added 6 countries (the United Arab Emirates, Canada, India, the Netherlands and New Zealand) to the list of countries whose citizens are eligible to apply for an e-visa.
The application for the e-visa, good news for administrative procedures in Vietnam
Under this law, foreigners can apply for a visa through the portal of the Vietnam Immigration Department instead of going in person to a representative body of Vietnam abroad or to an international border gate of the country.
The request is made online and will require a recent digital photo and passport identity pages of the candidate who will have to complete an entry visa application form.
The fee for an e-visa is US $ 25 and needs to be made by bank transfer. The time needed for your file to be processed is fixed at 3 days from the date of reception of information and fees.
With this visa, foreign nationals can enter and exit the territory of Vietnam by air, road and sea. This e-visa will be valid for 2 years and aims to facilitate administrative procedures.
So far, the visa is issued by the diplomatic and consular organs of Vietnam abroad. However, persons holding an invitation from the competent bodies of Vietnam or tourists from Vietnamese travel agencies may apply at border gates.
Exclusive list of 46 countries eligible for e-visa for Vietnam
In Asia (13): Azerbaijan, Armenia, Brunei, the United Arab Emirates, India, Kazakhstan, Timor-Leste, South Korea, Myanmar, Mongolia, Japan, the Philippines and China (not applicable to ePassport holders).
In Europe (21): Ireland, the United Kingdom, Poland, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Greece, Russia, Luxembourg, Norway, Finland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, France, Slovakia and the Netherlands.
In the Americas (10): Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, the United States, Panama, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Oceanic (2): Australia and New Zealand.
Read more:
>> Vietnam e-visa according to the law from August 15, 2023
>> Everything need to know about Vietnam Visa
>> Vietnam Visa: Green light for the 3rd extension of the visa exemption
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