Best of Myanmar Discovery

Best of Myanmar Discovery - 10 Days

You will discover

  • Best of Myanmar Discovery - 10 Days

Tour Briefing

  • Day 01
    Yangon arrival (-/-/D)
  • Day 02
    Yangon full day city tour (B/-/-)
  • Day 03
    Yangon - Fly to Bagan - full day tour (B/-/-)
  • Day 04
    Bagan - full day villages and temples discovery (B/-/-)
  • Day 05
    Bagan - Fly to Mandalay - Sagaing - excursion to Inwa - Amarapura (B/-/-)
  • Day 06
    Mandalay - Mingun - City discovery (B/-/-)
  • Day 07
    Mandalay - Pyin Oo Lwin - Mandalay (B/-/-)
  • Day 08
    Mandalay - Heho - Inle lake (B/-/-)
  • Day 09
    Inle Lake - Indein - 5 days market - Fly to Yangon (B/-/-)
  • Day 10
    Yangon - Departure (B/-/-)

You will be interested in:

  • Discover the gold-plated Shwedagon pagoda, with thousands of diamonds that decorate the top of the stupa.
  • The biggest Reclining Buddha in Myanmar.
  • Walk in the streets lined with colonial buildings
  • Discover the mysterious temples and pagodas in Bagan.
  • Enjoy a beautiful sunset over Bagan from Shwesandaw temple.
  • Explore the must-see sites of Mandalay and catch the sunset from the top of Mandalay hill.
  • A boat trip on Inle Lake to discover the floating gardens and traditional handicraft villages as well as the lifestyle in the region.


Detail Program

Yangon arrival (-/-/D)

Day 01 : Yangon arrival (-/-/D)

Upon arrival in Yangon airport, Authentik Travel’s tour guide and driver will welcome you and transfer to hotel in the city center.
After tour briefing,  enjoy a welcome dinner at a finest local restaurant.
Overnight in Yangon.

Yangon full day city tour (B/-/-)

Day 02 : Yangon full day city tour (B/-/-)

Enjoy a full day tour to discover this charming city. 
Starting from your hotel, visit the colonial style buildings. Walk along the streets to enjoy the beauty of these historic buildings, built last century and following British architecture. Then, visit the famous landmarks in the city such as Sule Pagoda, built in the 3rd century and located right in the city center.

The next landmark is Botahtaung pagoda by the grand Yangon River. According to the locals, the pagoda was built over 2000 years ago and enshrined by the sacred relics of the Buddha.
Enjoy your own lunch at a recommended local restaurant.

After lunch, explore the Chaukhtatgyi Buddha temple which houses one of the most revered reclining Buddha images in the country. It is the most well-known Buddhist temple in Bahan township of Yangon and is also one of the biggest Buddhas in Myanmar. The reclining Buddha image is 66 meters long and was built during the 1900's.
In the late afternoon, visit Scott market or Bogyoke market (closed on Monday) selling the medicines, foodstuffs, garments, electrics, souvenirs, jewelry, and art to witness the local way of life. 

Follow this with a visit to the 2500 year old magnificent Shwedagon pagoda, the most famous and sacred place of Myanmar. In the middle is a huge bell shaped stupa, plated with tons of gold and thousands of diamonds and rubies decorating the top of the stupa. The pagoda is surrounded by other shrines, temples and many other religious structures inside it. The sunset from the Pagoda should not be missed.
Stay overnight in Yangon.

Yangon - Fly to Bagan - full day tour (B/-/-)

Day 03 : Yangon - Fly to Bagan - full day tour (B/-/-)

Transfer to airport for morning flight to Bagan.
Arrive in Bagan in the morning and be greeted by our local tour guide and driver at airport, then transfer to your hotel in the area. Leave your luggage at the hotel and enjoy a full day trip to discover this tranquil area.

Head to Swhezigon pagoda before the hottest part of the day. This is the gold plated pagoda built to house the Buddhist relic brought from India a thousand years ago.
The next stop is a short visit to discover Nyaung U market. A bustling market where locals meet to exchange fruits,vegetables, lacquerware and  pottery.
After the market, visit Gubyaukgyi Temple, famous for its mural. Our guide will translate the great story from the ancient pictures on the wall.
Enjoy lunch and relax at your hotel.

In the afternoon, visit the Ananda temples built in 1105 AD, home to four standing Buddhas, each one facing the cardinal directions of North, West, East and South.  Then visit Htilominlo temple to admire the four Buddhas that face each direction. 
End of the day at Shwesandaw temple and enjoy the sunset over the mountains.
Stay overnight in Bagan

Bagan - full day villages and temples discovery (B/-/-)

Day 04 : Bagan - full day villages and temples discovery (B/-/-)

Have breakfast at your hotel and spend a whole day exploring this mysterious region. 

Begin the day with a journey on a horse cart to Manuha temple, which contains three images of seated Buddhas and an image of Buddha entering Nirvana.  This is one of the oldest temples in Bagan.
Discover the famous traditional handicraft lacquerware in the Myinkabar village then move to Dhamayangyi Pagoda, the biggest temple in Bagan, before continuing to Myauk Guni, Sulamani temple.

In the afternoon, observe the local way of life in the West Pwazaw and Minnanthu village to see how Burmese people live their daily lives. It is a real exploration into the local rural life.
Finally, enjoy a boat trip on the Ayeyarwaddy River to capture the great sunset.
Return to you hotel to enjoy your evening.  We recommend visiting the Sunset Garden Restaurant to feel the peaceful atmosphere by the river.
Stay overnight in Bagan.

Bagan - Fly to Mandalay - Sagaing - excursion to Inwa - Amarapura (B/-/-)

Day 05 : Bagan - Fly to Mandalay - Sagaing - excursion to Inwa - Amarapura (B/-/-)

Take morning flight to Mandalay.

Upon arrival in Mandalay in the morning, meet our tour guide at the airport and enjoy a full day tour of the city before check in at your hotel.
On the way from airport, we will turn left over a bridge and head to Sagaing hill where a lot of Buddhist monasteries are situated. Sagaing is a hill terrace, so from this site you can view the great Ayeyarwaddy River, and Mandalay city with its numerous temples and monasteries. The major attraction on Sagaing hill is U Min Thoze pagoda.

The next stop will be Inwa, separated by a small river. It is necessary to take a ferry across the river then on arrival, take a horse-drawn cart to enjoy the beautiful rural scenery. The horse-drawn cart will take you to Bagaya wooden monastery, Nanmyint watch tower (a leaning tower) and the brick Aungmyaybonza monastery.
Transfer back to Amarapura to visit the silk weaving village and enjoy a gentle walk along Ubein Bridge, the longest teakwood bridge in the world, to capture the awesome sunset. 
Transfer to your hotel in the late afternoon and stay overnight in Mandalay.

Mandalay - Mingun - City discovery (B/-/-)

Day 06 : Mandalay - Mingun - City discovery (B/-/-)

Have breakfast at your hotel and meet our tour guide for a transfer to Mandalay jetty and take a boat trip along the Ayeyarwaddy River up to Mingun in the North.  After a 1 hour journey, arrive in Mingun and enjoy a short walk to visit the must-see highlights of the region: 

First, Pahtodawgyi temple, a gigantic, uncompleted monument. You can climb up one hundred steps to the top of the temple and get a great view of  the Ayeyarwaddy River and the surrounding area.The next destination, Mingun bell, is just a couple of minutes walk away. This is a huge bell weighing 90 tons and is currently the second biggest ringing bell in the world.
Next, a short walk will lead us to Hsinbyume Pagoda, built in 1816 by King Bagyidaw, and dedicated to his wife. He named the pagoda following his wife’s name.

Return to the boat and head back to the city for lunch and explore some of the most outstanding cultural and historical sites. Visit Mahamuni Pagoda, a marble sculpture, to see how local people make Buddha statues from marble, the gold leaf making center, and the Shwenandaw monastery, or Golden Monastery, well known for its great wood carvings. Also, visit Kuthodaw pagoda, known as the biggest book in the world, with 729 marble slabs inscribed with the Buddha’s doctrine. Take in the beautiful sunset from the top of Mandalay hill and stay overnight in Mandalay.

Mandalay - Pyin Oo Lwin - Mandalay (B/-/-)

Day 07 : Mandalay - Pyin Oo Lwin - Mandalay (B/-/-)

Enjoy a 2 hour drive along the scenic road to Pyin Oo Lwin, a scenic hill town at an altitude of 1070m, and where a lot of British Colonial houses remain.

This is a cool region with a 177 hectare botanical garden and a beautiful lake.
After visiting the garden, discover the Peikchinmyaunge cave and enjoy the great tranquility at Pwekauk waterfall. Finally, take horse and cart to visit the British Colonial houses in the town before transferring back to Mandalay City.
Stay overnight in Mandalay.

Mandalay - Heho - Inle lake (B/-/-)

Day 08 : Mandalay - Heho - Inle lake (B/-/-)

Transfer to Mandalay airport for flight to Heho in the morning.

Upon arrival at Heho airport, meet our tour guide and driver for 1 hour transfer to Nyaungshwe town. This drive will offer you delightful scenery of the hill station region, passing by the picturesque landscapes along the way.
Check in at your hotel in the town by the lake and embark on a boat trip in the huge lake to enjoy the beautiful landscapes and see the local Intha people working on the lake. They skillfully stand and row the boat with 1 leg, a truly unique way to row a boat.

Pass the floating gardens on the lake and listen as the guide tells you about the lifestyle, culture and how they cultivate their vegetation as well as the way they catch fish in the lake with their traditional traps.
Explore the Nampan villages at the end of Inle Lake and visit their traditional handicraft villages such as silk weaving lotus, cigarette and boat making as well as the blacksmith village.
Return to Nyaungshwe town and stay overnight.
Note: An overnight stay at the resort on Inle Lake is available on request.

Inle Lake - Indein - 5 days market - Fly to Yangon (B/-/-)

Day 09 : Inle Lake - Indein - 5 days market - Fly to Yangon (B/-/-)

Get picked up from your hotel and visit a 5 day rotational local market. This is the most fascinating way to explore the daily life of the ethnic minority groups. Continue the boat trip to Indein Pagoda.
The boat will leave the lake and enter a small canal. After 30 minutes, arrive in Pa O tribe village. From the village, take a walk through the old cover path to hundreds of pagoda ruins. The main stupa on top of the hill offers gorgeous views over the surrounding mountain ranges and the lake in distance.

Walk back to the jetty and embark on the boat to the Lake.  On the way, make stop at the long neck women's village and their silk shop, Phaung Daw OO pagoda (Jumping Cat pagoda) before returning to your hotel in Nyangshwe town and transfer to airport for a flight to Yangon.
On arrival, get a pick up to hotel.
Stay overnight in Yangon.

Yangon - Departure (B/-/-)

Day 10 : Yangon - Departure (B/-/-)

Free till meet our driver and transfer back to airport for your flight home or next destinations.

Tour ends.

Service Included
  • Accommodation in a shared twin or shared double room with daily breakfast
  • Tours and transfers as mentioned by private air conditioned vehicle
  • All domestic flights
  • Boat trip in Inle lake
  • Local station English speaking guides
  • Meals as mentioned (B= breakfast; L= lunch; D= dinner)
  • All entrance fees
  • Water on tour.
  • Service charges and tax
Service Not Included
  • International flight tickets from/to your country
  • Myanmar Visa (E-visa 50 USD)
  • Travel insurance
  • Camera fees in each beauty spots( 0.5 – 2 USD)
  • Others not mentioned
  • Personal expenses (laundry, telephone, drinks, tip...)
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