clients' reviews

Our Authentik Travel team would like to thank you for your trust in our services to make your trips to Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and share your feeling, experiences, opinions about your trips.
These are really precious information for us to improve our services. And they are very useful for our future clients to get some ideas about the quality of our services.
Most of below comments are on where our clients show their satisfaction for your reference.
Once again, thank you for your choosing Authentik Travel!
4.9/5 Calculated on the opinions of our customers on Facebook
"The nostalgia for the trip is coming back ..."
Do you remember us? Maybe by reading this email and seeing the few photos that I join, you will remember us.
We are GUY and CHRISTINE 2 french of LIMOGES of the company LEGRAND who came in your beautiful country the VIET NAM with the agency LOISIRS AND TOURISM.
And with you as a guide we had a great stay filled with beautiful pictures and great emotions.
How to forget these beautiful visits from SAIGON to HANOI with unforgettable moments like the floating markets, the night train, the Bay of Halong and many other moments. You knew so well how to make us discover the culture, the everyday life VIET NAM, gastronomy, religious and social customs, and of course we can not forget the aspero every day on the bus. Another highlight at the moment of separating in the bus when you have so well sing "BONJOUR VIET NAM" this song, I found it on internet and we often listen to it and the nostalgia of the trip comes back .
We hope that you are well and that maybe we will have the opportunity to meet if you come to France, because I know that JP LESCURE (in the name of LOISIRS AND TOURISM) want that we are all together if you come to LIMOGES ....
RECOIS ALL OUR SINCERES FRIENDS, hoping that this message reaches you ...
Guy and Christine