clients' reviews
Our Authentik Travel team would like to thank you for your trust in our services to make your trips to Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and share your feeling, experiences, opinions about your trips.
These are really precious information for us to improve our services. And they are very useful for our future clients to get some ideas about the quality of our services.
Most of below comments are on where our clients show their satisfaction for your reference.
Once again, thank you for your choosing Authentik Travel!
4.9/5 Calculated on the opinions of our customers on Facebook
"Monipuolisia elmyksi ja palvelualtista huolenpitoa"
Teimme perheen kanssa kolmen viikon reissun Vietnamiin. Authentik Vietnam Travel loi meille todella monipuolisen ja vaihtelevan ohjelman ja huolehti erinomaisesti kaikkien käytännön järjestelyjen sujumisesta. Oppaat ja kuskit hoitivat tehtävänsä hyvin. Erityisen mieleenpainuvia olivat retket maaseudulle pyöräillen, veneillen tai patikoiden.
We had three weeks holiday in Vietnam with teenagers. Authentik Vietnam Travel created very rich program for us and took very well care of all practical things. Our guides and drivers were professional. We enjoyed specially visiting villages by bicyckles, boats or by hiking.